Web Design
Web Development

My Virtual Office

Mar 2021
Person in the drivers seat looking at their phone showing the my t-tag home screen.


Virtual Enterprise, a company providing services to clients in the US, Canada, UK, and the Caribbean, had an existing website that needed a modern update. The goal was to enhance its visual appeal to cater to a diverse range of audiences while also showcasing professionalism and capturing the interests of potential clients. This involved consolidating multiple country-specific websites into a single platform to ensure that potential clients could easily find the correct information for their respective countries.
OLD site

My Virtual Office

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Time frame

  • Consolidate various country-specific websites into a single platform.
  • Ensure potential clients can easily find the correct information for their respective countries.
  • Ensure it's easier for potential clients to review and compare packages based on country.
  • Create a more refined and pleasing user interface.
  • Figma
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • VS Code
Design and Development to be completed within 8 weeks


To redesign My Virtual Offices efficiently and effectively, I began by benchmarking sites in the virtual office and receptionist services industry. I researched and analyzed platforms focusing on their user experience, information architecture, and service presentation.


  • Ruby Receptionists: Noted for its clear service descriptions, intuitive navigation, and professional design.
  • AnswerConnect: Exemplifies efficient information delivery and user-centric layout.
  • Answering Service Care: Known for comprehensive service details, easy navigation, and strong customer service focus.


Created a new Information Architecture (IA) that enhanced the user experience by:

  1. Unified Navigation: Consolidated multiple country-specific pages into a single platform, making navigation intuitive and seamless.
  2. Streamlined Access: Designed a clear and logical structure that allows users to find relevant information with fewer clicks.
  3. Efficient Content Delivery: Ensured key services and information, such as pricing and quotes, are easily accessible, improving user satisfaction and engagement.

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Information Architecture

Created a new Information Architecture (IA) that enhanced the user experience by:

  1. Unified Navigation: Consolidated multiple country-specific pages into a single platform, making navigation intuitive and seamless.
  2. Streamlined Access: Designed a clear and logical structure that allows users to find relevant information with fewer clicks.
  3. Efficient Content Delivery: Ensured key services and information, such as pricing and quotes, are easily accessible, improving user satisfaction and engagement.

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Visual Design

Design Implementation

  1. Unified multiple country-specific pages into a single, cohesive platform.
  2. Enhanced visual appeal and streamlined the user journey.
  3. Previously, the website had a darker tone, utilizing dark orange and black colors. I believed the site would benefit from a lighter, more inviting, and trustworthy appearance. To address this, I added more images strategically to establish a connection with potential customers, addressing the lack of visual elements that resulted in a disconnected feeling.
  4. Streamlined the navigation, reducing the number of clicks required to reach relevant areas, ensuring users can easily and intuitively find their way without feeling lost or confused.
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The My Virtual Office project saw a substantial increase engagement and client acquisition within the first three months of launch. Users praised the platform for its ease of use and streamlined access to information, leading to high satisfaction ratings.
Increase in conversions
Average weekly quotes requests
Increase in website traffic



Time frame


Information Architecture

Visual Design



Time frame


Information Architecture

Visual Design